
Unentitled 2023

Archived Show


Produced by:
The Negro Ensemble Co., Inc
July 21 - August 06, 2023
Run Time:
2 Hours, 15 Minutes
Yes, included in run time.
Showing in Theater
$30 (59E59 Member price: $25)

Show Info

By Charles White
Directed by Florante Galvez

With Leah Finnie, Tomike Ogugua, Gil Tucker, Adrain Washington, and Kenya Wilson

Set in the heady days of late 2008, with the Obama campaign as a backdrop, an upper-middle class African American family wrestles internalized racism, class anxiety, and each other when a sudden job loss and a revelation about their shared past threaten to upend their comfortable lives. Tempers and tensions boil over at a cherished Long Island vacation home that becomes the focal point of an intense family drama.

Unentitled explores the nature of risk – how much someone would risk to get what they want, and how hard it is to make that choice when history, tradition, and family all hang in the balance.

Fulton Hodges,
Technical Director
Melody Beal,
Lighting Design
Twan Howard,
Sound Design
Kristen Chang,
Set Design
Omar Sam A'ey,
Costume Design
Tomike Ogugua and Kenya Wilson in UNENTITLED
Photo Caption: Tomike Ogugua and Kenya Wilson in UNENTITLED
Photo: Jonathan Slaff
Kenya Wilson and Gil Tucker in UNENTITLED
Photo Caption: Kenya Wilson and Gil Tucker in UNENTITLED
Photo: Jonathan Slaff
Leah Finnie and Adrain Washington in UNENTITLED
Photo Caption: Leah Finnie and Adrain Washington in UNENTITLED
Photo: Jonathan Slaff
Tomike Ogugua and Leah Finnie in UNENTITLED
Photo Caption: Tomike Ogugua and Leah Finnie in UNENTITLED
Photo: Jonathan Slaff
Gil Tucker, Adrain Washington, and Tomike Ogugua in UNENTITLED
Photo Caption: Gil Tucker, Adrain Washington, and Tomike Ogugua in UNENTITLED
Photo: Jonathan Slaff
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Producing Company

The Negro Ensemble Co., Inc

Karen Brown, Artistic Director & Executive Producer

The mission of the Negro Ensemble Company, Inc. (NEC) is to provide African-American, African and Caribbean professional artists with an opportunity to learn, to work, to grow and to be nurtured in the performing arts. The overall mission of the NEC is to present live theatre performances by and about black people to a culturally diverse audience that is often under-served by the theatrical community.

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